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The world’s top 10 countries with the highest age at first marriage


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eople around the world are waiting longer to get married, with some countries seeing first marriages happening well into the late 30s.

Economic factors, education, career ambitions, and shifting cultural norms all contribute to this trend.

Here are the top 10 countries where people marry the latest.

Spain – 38.8 years


Spain has the highest average age at first marriage, with most people marrying around 38.8 years old.

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Chile – 37.8 years


Chile ranks second, with the average first marriage age at 37.8.

Netherlands – 37.6 years


In the Netherlands, the typical age for a first marriage is 37.6 years.

South Korea – 37.0 years


South Korea has an average first marriage age of 37.0, the highest in Asia.

Argentina – 36.8 years


In Argentina, people usually get married for the first time at around 36.8 years old.

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Norway – 36.8 years


Norway shares the same average first marriage age as Argentina, at 36.8 years.

Brazil – 35.6 years


Brazil sees first marriages happening at an average age of 35.6.

Ireland – 35.0 years


In Ireland, the average age at first marriage is 35.0 years.

Saint Lucia – 34.9 years


Saint Lucia has one of the highest marriage ages in the Caribbean, at 34.9 years.

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Uruguay – 34.8 years


Uruguay completes the top 10, with an average first marriage age of 34.8 years.

This article is based on information from World Population Review.

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