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How to Protect Yourself While Using Your Mobile Phone


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Your smartphone is an incredible tool, but using it the wrong way can lead to neck pain, headaches, and even affect your sleep.

Here are ten ways to protect yourself from the downsides of excessive phone use.

Don’t Let Your Pinky Take the Pressure

Phone Hand” by Jamie Hamel-Smith/ CC0 1.0

Many people hold their phones with their pinky finger supporting the weight at the bottom. Over time, this can strain the joint and even change its shape. Switch up your grip frequently to avoid long-term discomfort.

Keep Your Neck in Check

Iphone Phone” by Alejandro Escamilla/ CC0 1.0

Tilting your head forward to look at your screen puts enormous pressure on your neck muscles—up to 27 kg of extra strain! Hold your phone at eye level as much as possible to prevent tension and pain.

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Put Your Phone Down During Meals

Phone Cellphone” by Igor Miske/ CC0 1.0

Scrolling while eating distracts you from your body’s hunger signals, often leading to overeating.

Studies show that people who use their phones at the dinner table consume more calories and snack more throughout the day.

Give Your Eyes a Break

Mobile Phone” by David Grandmougin/ CC0 1.0

Staring at your screen reduces your blinking rate, causing dry eyes and eye strain. Follow the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 6 meters (20 feet) away for at least 20 seconds to relax your eyes.

Prevent Smartphone-Induced Headaches

Phone Hand” by Matt Moloney/ CC0 1.0

Spending hours on your phone, especially in dim lighting, can trigger headaches and migraines.

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Make sure to take breaks, use proper lighting, and reduce screen brightness when possible.

Protect Your Thumb from Overuse

Apple Iphone” by Wilfred Iven/ CC0 1.0

Constant texting and scrolling can lead to thumb tendonitis, also known as “iPhone finger.”

Alternate hands, use voice-to-text when possible, and take breaks to stretch your fingers to avoid strain.

Limit Exposure to Phone Radiation

Apple Iphone” by Wilfred Iven/ CC0 1.0

Although there is no conclusive proof that phone radiation is harmful, it’s wise to take precautions.

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Use speakerphone or earbuds for calls, avoid keeping your phone in your pocket all day, and don’t sleep with it next to your head.

Keep Your Phone Clean

Youtube Iphone” by CC0 1.0

Your phone is a hotspot for bacteria, with millions of germs accumulating daily. Wipe it down regularly with a microfiber cloth—avoid harsh cleaners like alcohol, which can damage the screen’s coating.

Don’t Use Your Phone for Mental Breaks

Iphone Texting” by Josh Felise/ CC0 1.0

Scrolling through social media isn’t an actual break for your brain—it can increase stress and impact self-esteem.

Instead, go for a short walk, meditate, or do a simple, repetitive task like folding laundry to let your mind rest.

Also read: Boost Your Brain: 10 Ways Exercise Keeps Your Memory Sharp

Prioritize Sleep Over Scrolling

Sleeping Bed” by elizabeth lies/ CC0 1.0

Using your phone before bed can delay sleep and reduce sleep quality, thanks to its blue light disrupting melatonin production.

Set your phone to Night Mode in the evening, and aim for at least 30 minutes of screen-free time before sleeping.

Article based on information from Iform.

Also read: She Quit Coffee for 5 Days – Here’s What Happened

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