Losing your hearing can happen so gradually that you don’t even notice. Small changes in daily life can be signs that your hearing isn’t what it used to be. Here are 10 signals to watch out for.
You miss words in conversations

If you often ask people to repeat themselves or struggle to keep up with conversations—especially in noisy environments—it could be a sign of hearing loss.
The TV is always too low—according to others

Does the volume on your TV seem perfect to you, while your family complains it’s way too loud? This could be an indication that your hearing is declining.
Phone calls feel harder

If you have trouble hearing what people say on the phone, even when the connection is clear, the issue might not be the sound quality—it could be your hearing.
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You don’t hear small everyday sounds

Sounds like footsteps, doorbells, or birds chirping might start disappearing without you realizing it.
Group conversations become challenging

When multiple people talk at the same time, distinguishing words can be difficult if your hearing is no longer at its best.
You experience constant ringing in your ears

Tinnitus—a continuous buzzing or ringing sound in the ears—can be a sign of hearing damage, even if it doesn’t necessarily mean complete hearing loss.
Background noise becomes more distracting

If you struggle to understand conversations because background noise like traffic or music drowns out voices, it could be a symptom of hearing loss.
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You feel exhausted after social events

Trying to keep up with conversations when your hearing is impaired requires extra effort. If you often feel drained after social gatherings, your hearing may be to blame.
You frequently misunderstand what people say

If you often mishear words or confuse similar-sounding ones, it could be a sign of hearing loss.
You withdraw from social situations

Many people with hearing loss unconsciously start avoiding social situations because following conversations becomes too exhausting.
The article is based on information from Woman
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